You Have Significance

Don’t ever say, “Who am I? Why am I here? What is the reason for My existence?” I Am the ONE who has created you, and I have given you a perfect position in Me, says the LORD. You are part of My body, and you have significance! You are important to Me! Your function is not optional, but essential. You did not form yourself. You did not call yourself. You did not choose yourself. You did not place yourself where you are, for I Am the One who has ordered your steps. I am the One who has designed you and empowered you and I will perfect that which concerns you for that which I have created you for, says the LORD.

You are a peculiar pleasure and treasure onto Me, says the LORD. I do all things well. You are not an oops or a misfit in My body, and your place in My kingdom is exactly where I need you to be. Do not frustrate yourself with the negative mindset of inferiority or see yourself as a second-class citizen, for that is not who you are. I Am your Master builder and I make NO Mistakes. You will be used for My glory and your reward for your obedience to Me in My kingdom will be wondrously rewarded as you appreciate My Sovereignty and pursue My perfect will for your life, and believe that this is being done as you walk in the well-lit path that is before you that I have ordained for you, and entrust every step of the way to Me, says the LORD.

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