Your Destiny is Ahead of You - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Your Destiny is Ahead of You

Your destiny is ahead of you, says the LORD. Your past will not dictate your future, and your history will not repeat itself, says the LORD. Don’t live in the past, but anticipate the things that lie before you. Don’t even look back, for you are not going that way. Your difficulties will not be a life sentence as you sometimes think, but they will only cause you to become wiser, stronger, and more determined than ever before, says the Lord

I Am leading you in a new direction and equipping you for what you will be doing in the new season that I have designed for you, says the Lord. You will advance and become more productive than ever before. I will use you for My glory and give you renewed strength. My grace will cloak you and My Spirit will empower you to do everything that I have called you to do. Press on, and let the things of the past go. You will be thrilled as you relinquish the old ways of doing things and use the new strategies I give you that will propel you forward in your destiny and bring you new life, says the LORD.

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