A Great Calm Will Follow Every Storm You Face - Prophetic Light Prophecies

A Great Calm Will Follow Every Storm You Face

Sudden storms will not destroy you, says the LORD. Though they arise from nowhere, they will also go as quickly as they come. You need not fear the unknown, but trust in what you DO KNOW! Know that I Am faithful and true, changeless, dependable, and your GOD! I have never failed you, and I cannot fail you, regardless of how fierce the storms come, or the velocity of the winds of adversity. You will not sink in defeat, but you will overcome what appears to be overwhelming, because I Am with you in every storm, says the LORD.

A great calm will always follow every storm you face, and you will not need to fear, says the LORD. The outcome is already determined, and you will not be under a pile of debris. I Am your place of safety, and you are not vulnerable. You will rise and not fall. You will succeed and not fail. For storms will not avert My plans and purposes for you that have been declared and decreed in the heavens, far in advance of every storm you will face, and you will see a performance of that which I have spoken, without delay, denial or detour, because you have made me your trust, says the LORD.

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