Embrace My Infallible Promises by Faith

Sweet are My promises, for they will be fulfilled to the letter, the punctuation mark, and the precise for those who will believe Me and My infallible Word, says the LORD. WILL YOU BELIEVE ME, or the lies of the enemy? Will you hear My voice and trust what I say, or will the voices of others squelch out MY STILL SMALL VOICE in YOU? Hear Me NOW! I Am speaking, says the LORD, and MY WORDS will be fully fulfilled, says the LORD.

You will obtain everything that I have promised, regardless of what it looks like, if you refuse to cave into the emotional upheavals that are assaulting you and your tender heart, where I abide, says the Lord. It is NOT about feelings or what you see or what you hear in the market places or governments or leaders or any other VOICE. I tell you the truth that ENDURES forever for you, if you refuse to waver in your faith in Me. Didn’t I tell you that your eyes have not seen, your ears have NOT heard, nor has it entered into the heart of anyone those things that I have prepared for those who love ME? Believe Me for what you have NOT HEARD, what has NOT been Spoken, what you have NOT read, what you have not imagined, what you have not prayed, what you have not expected, that is miraculous and wonderful and far beyond your imagination. I Am almighty GOD in the midst of you, Who is very much alive, and you are not exempt from My powerful promises that will be fully fulfilled for those who DARE to Believe, says the LORD.

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