Freedom! - Prophetic Light Prophecies

The work of the enemy is to weaken you, sicken you, impoverish you, defeat you, and destroy you, says the LORD. Those works are NOT My works. I have come to defeat the defeat, destroy the destroyer, strengthen you, provision you, and heal you, deliver you and empower you. Don’t attribute any of the works of the dark one to Me. My kingdom is manifest by My presence to heal, repair, revive, restore, renew, says the LORD.

I paid the price for your healing, says the LORD. I paid the full cost of your salvation, liberty, and freedom. I did not bind you. The enemy did. I did not imprison you. I Am the One Who opens the prison doors to those who are bound, and release you from his diabolical hold. I take no pleasure in your pain. I want you to receive all that I have accomplished for you by My finished work on the cross, as you receive what belongs to you. Believe in Me and My infallible promises, and embrace them, own them, and enjoy them, for they will be promises ultimately fulfilled as you receive every blessing and benefit by your determined and unwavering faith and trust in Me at all times, says the LORD.

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