Love, Comfort and Peace - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Love, Comfort and Peace

I Am your comforter, says the LORD. I will wrap My arms about you and hold you close to My heart. You are never alone, never forgotten, and never unloved. Do not despair when all seems to be going wrong and no one has a remedy. I have. I cannot be out witted, and the enemy is not wiser than I Am. I will never side with evil, and righteousness is WHO I AM and what I do. I will not compromise and evil cannot prevail against Me, says the LORD.

Trust in My presence and receive the peace that I will pour into you, as you focus your attention on Me and My infallible Word, says the LORD. You can depend upon My faithfulness and have assurance in What I have spoken. I will perform it. I cannot lie or change My mind. I will sustain you in every difficulty as you entrust Me with your care. RECEIVE My love and comfort, and rest in My care, for your safety is in the shelter of My arms, says the LORD.

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