My light will never go out, says the LORD. My voice will never be silenced. My wisdom will never be outdated and is unsurpassed. The enemy is always at a disadvantage, for I Am the SOVEREIGN. I have given you spiritual authority, and fully equipped you to conquer. You have spiritual gifts that are unsurpassed. You cannot be defeated, for earthly weapons cannot match what I have given you. Use them, for they are unfailing, and you cannot fail when you take them up and engage in the warfare that is spiritual, says the LORD.
The enemy has ordered you to be silent, but I have commanded you to SPEAK, says the LORD. The enemy desires to shut you in, but I have commanded you to COME out of obscurity, and be SEEN. The enemy has endeavored to set limits upon you, but I have emboldened you to shake off the bands and freely do the work that I have called you to do. For I Am with you, and although the battle rages, the enemy breathes out threatening insults, and endeavors to intimidate you, I have given you the power of MY SPIRIT, My sword, My powerful, undefeatable weapons, and you are to stand, fight, overcome, and conquer, and expand My kingdom on earth as it in heaven, by My SPIRIT, says the LORD.