There is No Mission Impossible in Me - Prophetic Light

There is No Mission Impossible in Me

I Am giving you the Spirit of wisdom, knowledge and understanding, says the LORD.  Receive it now by your complete faith and trust in ME.  I Am no respecter of persons, and have not cast you aside.  What I have freely given you, belongs to you.  You are My entitled child, and all that I have is yours.  I have given you every provision and every promise and you have everything you need to be a conqueror and overcomer.  There is no mission impossible in Me.  There is no such thing as incomplete in ME.  There is no such thing as inept in Me.  Even in the wilderness where nothing grows and there is no life or sustenance, I was the provision and protection and keeper of My people Israel.  Their enemies could not defeat them.  The barren wilderness could not destroy them.  Nothing could defeat them.  Delay, because of their unbelief did not mean denial. I provisioned them with all that they needed in every impossible situation, because I Am the Almighty God that is good for My WORD, says the LORD.

I will do the same for you, says the Lord.  My knowledge fills the earth now.  It belongs to you.  I said ask of Me, and I will give you wisdom. IT beings to you for the asking. I say YES!  I will give you an understanding heart like I did My servant Solomon, for what I did for him, I freely will do for you.  Embrace all that I have for you by faith and trust in ME.  Look to Me as your total source at all times, and I will feed you in your personal wilderness with My hidden manna.  I will give you drink from My pure stream of life.  I will sustain and provision you at all times and bring you into your personal promised land unscathed by the difficulties I will bring you through.  TRUST in ME at all times. The beginning of wisdom and knowledge is in ME. Apply what I have given to you and when you stand on the promised land, I will also give you the wisdom, knowledge and understanding, and strategies to possess what I have promised, for it is all yours, and I will fulfill every good promise that I have made to you as you embrace them by full faith in Me, says the LORD.

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