The Best is Yet to Come! - Prophetic Light Prophecies

The best is yet to come, says the LORD. I have hidden treasures for you that are reserved for your discovery, as you come into My presence. Your joy will be full, and you will not be empty. You will not be disappointed, disillusioned, discouraged, disrespected, dismantled, and disinherited. I will pour out My blessings upon you, and you will be fully satisfied. I have GOOD NEWS FOR YOU! I HAVE good THINGS FOR YOU! You have NOT exhausted the supply, and I will lavish My love upon you and give you unexpected blessings that you never dreamed to be possible, says the LORD.

Look ahead, for the former things are passed away, to make room for the new and exciting, exhilarating things that lie just ahead. Forget the past disappointments and look forward to the great things that are before you, says the LORD. You are not done. I Am NOT finished with you, yet. You will rejoice and be GLAD, and the tears and pain and grief and losses of yesterday will soon be forgotten for the joy that awaits you, when I open My good treasures unto you, and pour out My blessings upon you, and you will not even want to look back, says the LORD.

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