There Is a Purpose

There is a purpose for everything, says the Lord. Delay is not denial. It is only delay in your eyes.  It only seems like denial to you.  I will always perform My will and My purposes in your life as you entrust your entire self to Me.  There is never anything that gets by Me when it pertains to you.  I see everything. I know everything. I Am the Almighty GOD in the midst of you and know everything that is taking place.  Nothing takes me by surprise.  There is sense in the non-sense in your life. There is sense in every trial and test. There is sense and purpose in everything that you experience or will experience.  Did you think I would be oblivious of these things when I created you?  Did you think that I could not see the future when I planned you?  I know all of your yesterdays, todays and tomorrows, and nothing is new to me, though it is new to you.  I have you. I have it. I Am in control and nothing overwhelms me nor veers Me off the path.  I will perfect that which concerns you. and the difficult things that you are experiencing are only making you stronger. Adversity will shape you.  You are gaining ground for My kingdom.  You are advancing and I will cause the things that the enemy meant for evil to be turned against his diabolical kingdom and further and advance you rather than destroy you, says the LORD.

I know the end from the beginning, says the LORD.   I know you. I created you. I know the way that You take.  Nothing is beyond My control even when it seems to be spinning out of control.  When did I become inept?  When did I become weak?  When did anything threaten me?  Even as the Egyptian army pursued My people, I knew about it before they left with a high hand. It was not long before the threats manifested themselves. Didn’t you know that I was aware of it in advance and already made a way of escape for them that they would never forget?  I will do the same for you in every trial and test. It will build your faith and it will build you. It will not destroy you, for I AM with you to insure that you are not only victorious, but unscathed by the enemy. He will not touch you.  So c not cast away your confidence in Me when nothing seems to be going in the direction you desired and the enemy appears to be advancing rather than you. NOT SO, for your purposes in Me are as unchanging as I Am and everything you have experienced in life has purpose.  You are in My protective hands and I am preparing you for your finest and fullest kingdom purpose in Me, says the LORD.

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