There Will Be a Performance of What You Believe Me For - Prophetic Light Prophecies

There Will Be a Performance of What You Believe Me For

There will be a performance of those things that you have believed Me for, says the LORD. HOLD FAST to your confession of faith, and remain fixed in your living hope that will produce exactly what you believe, confess and refuse to give up, says the LORD. There is no room for mediation and compromise, for My Word is precise and indisputable. You do not have to give anything up. You do not have to sacrifice for what I have already promised you and purchased for you, says the LORD.

Just keep pressing forward, says the LORD. Do not even look to the left or right, but walk straight forward with your eyes steadfast upon Me and My infallible Word. Do not stop to listen to the arguments of the enemy or those who doubt Me and My Word. Have NO DOUBT and have NO FEAR. Your unwavering, unrelenting Word and confession of faith that is steadfast and immovable will produce exactly what you will believe Me for, and you will see what others deemed as impossible, be performed, and your joy will be full, as I do GREAT and mighty things for you that will bring Me honor and glory, says the LORD.

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