I Will Restore Life - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Will Restore Life

I will restore life onto you and renew you in Me as you stand upon My infallible Word in simple, unwavering faith, says the Lord. Let My Word be in your mouth. Let it arise in You and be spoken as you believe what I have said over the circumstances that are vying for your attention and causing you distraction. What do you believe? For you will speak what you believe. You will go in the direction of your attention. Place your attention upon Me and let My faith that I have given you be put in action. Act upon My Word by declaring it in unwavering trust that I will honor My Word above My name. I will give you the desires of your heart as you receive Me as your total source, trust in My Word that will not change and will not lie and cannot lie. I will do it for you and much more as you make Me your priority and focus on Me. Come to Me as your total reliance, for I will not withhold anything good from you, will not forsake you, will not deny you anything and I will perform My Word in your life as you believe. Faith is what I desire, and let it be from your heart, says the Lord.

Attend to My Word constantly, for circumstances cannot dictate as you turn away from those voices and the voice of the enemy that is speaking loudly and speaking destruction, speaking doubt and fear and unbelief and wanting you to speak what you hear them screaming, says the Lord. I will speak gently and softly in My still small voice within. I need not shout or thunder with My voice! Turn off the illegitimate voices and ignore them. For life is in you, new life awaits you, and the fullness of what I Am and have for you is according to My Word. My will and My work align with My Word and MY voice. Will you believe and receive from Me? Prove those things that are true and right, for they come only from Me, who will honor you as you honor Me with your complete trust and you align your thoughts with My higher thoughts, listen to Me and repeat after Me in word and deed. For faith in Me follows My lead. It is not empty, idle words, but unfeigned faith that I want that will Work My Word and see the manifest power of My Word work in them. For My will and My Word and MY Work are in complete agreement. Walk in Me and you will be complete in ME, for I Am the WORD, and you will see it Work in your life as you walk in complete faith and trust in Me regardless of the circumstances around you. I will give you your petitions. Praise and worship Me and focus upon Me, your all in all, and know that I am your total source, and Love you and will give you all that you need as you fully receive what is already yours, says the LORD.

This is Prophet June Sheltrown, Prophetic Light International. Please send your donations to 40403 Sunburst Drive, Dade City, Florida 33525, or use the donation button on our website, propheticlight.org. For International donations through pay pal, select “Goods and Services”. You can also donate through Zelle, using our email address, [email protected]. Thank you and May GOD richly bless you.

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