- Prophetic Light Devotions

May the Lord open the right doors for you and give you the discernment that you need to know His times, seasons and perfect prescription for your life, your now, your future, and of those you love and pray for. May HE guide you with His eye and confirm every step of the way so you are not guessing. May hope deferred that makes the heart sick come to a sudden halt as He makes the way clear, and takes you by the hand and leads you through the door that He has ordained and authored for you. May you be filled with a fresh confidence that you are hearing, and obeying His voice that is speaking and leading. May you have that divine assurance that He is in the midst of you, the midst of your need, the midst of your family, your life and destiny, and that He is always on time, making the way clear, ordering your steps, and walking with you. God bless you with peace and the answers to your prayers.

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