Rise Above the Storms - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Rise Above the Storms

Don’t allow your life to be tainted by your difficult circumstances, says the Lord. Your life is hidden in Me. Rise above all the storms in life as you soar like an eagle, as I carry you on the wings of My Spirit. You can overcome everything that you are facing by placing all your care in My hands and trusting Me completely, or you can become overwhelmed by your negative situations. Choose to trust Me, and obey My still, small voice within you. Be still and know that I Am God in the midst of you, in the midst of the storm, in the midst of the chaos, in the midst of uncertainties, says the Lord.

I Am your God, and place of refuge and strength, says the Lord. I will quiet your fears and calm the storm that rages against you that is without and within as you come up higher, and rest in Me until the storm passes over. I Am that place of safety and that quiet place of assurance. I Am your source in all things, not just some. Come into My presence. I Am waiting for you. I Am your abiding peace, and you are safe in My arms that embrace you, and My hands that provision you, protect you, and shield you. I have empowered you with My Holy Spirit that enables you to overcome as you entrust Me with your total care, says the Lord.

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