Calm Down - Prophetic Light

Calm Down

Calm down, says the Lord.  The sky is not falling and even the shaking of the nations is not what will shake all those who are rooted and grounded in Me and My infallible Word.  You do not have to shake with fear or tremble when you hear bad news.  I Am good news for you, and always with you to help you.  You are never without Me, never alone in your circumstances, and it is not for you to fear. Your life is hidden in Me, and I hold you in the palm of My hands, says the Lord.

Use the faith that I have given you, and hold onto your profession of faith, says the Lord.  Be steadfast and immovable, regardless of what others do or what they believe or what they say.  You do not have to join in on their complaints and negativity.  Be confident in My presence in your life, and trust in My meticulous care for you at all times.  Nothing is out of My control, and I Am that place of safety for you, says the Lord.

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