Grace and Favor - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I will pour out My love upon you and mantle you with My grace and favor, as you come into My presence and receive all that I have for you this day, says the Lord.  You will never need to be unfulfilled.  You will never be dissatisfied with what I have for you.  I will give you an abundance of joy and peace.  I will lavish My love upon you and fill your mouth with good things.  I will bless you and make your heart glad.  I will fill you with My Spirit and give you unspeakable joy, as you come into the secret place and fellowship with Me, says the Lord.

For your life need not be a drudgery, says the Lord.  You need not be empty and void of energy and vitality.  For I will fill you with My light and life and cause you to ascend in My glory.  I will pour out My Spirit into you and restore your hope.  Rejoice and be glad.  For all your needs will be supplied, as you come into My presence and bask in My glory.  The light of My glory will shine upon you, and you will be carefree and have My abiding peace, says the Lord.

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