Hold Your Ground - Prophetic Light

I will enable you to overcome every trial and test that you go through, as you hold fast to your confession of faith in Me at all times, says the Lord. Do not let your circumstances jar you into fear and unbelief. Hold your ground and stand firm in Me, for the enemy is not able to dictate, and he cannot rule over you. Don’t ever give up or lose hope. For I Am your hope that is lively, and defeat is not an option. Fear not! For the enemy is a liar, and he cannot prevail over you, with Me on your side, says the Lord.

Your circumstances will change, just as the seasons, but I never change, says the Lord. You can depend upon My help, My faithfulness, and My consistency. For at no time are you at risk, as you hold to My unfailing hand. I will keep you from stumbling and falling, and you will not be pushed back. The enemy’s terrorizing threats that vie for your attention are just distractions. Look onto Me, and resist listening to him, for he cannot carry out his plans against you. I Am for you and with you, and you need no other. I will keep you in perfect peace, as you attend to My still-small voice that is on the inside of you, that will bring you calmness in every storm, reassurance of My presence, and quiet every fear, says the Lord.

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