Times and Seasons
Do not fret about the times and the seasons, for they are in My hands, says the Lord. Nothing can be postponed, delayed or denied. For while you were yet in the womb of your mother, I set everything for you in perfect order. I Am your beginning and your end. I know the way that you are to take, and have prepared every step that you will take. I did not promise you that you would always feel good about everything that you encounter, or it would always be easy, but I told you that I would be with you, and you will never be alone. Don’t become impatient, frustrated, or weary. Stay strong and determined to trust in My will, My way, My times and seasons. Be at peace with yourself and know that you are who you are and where you are for such a time as this. says the Lord.
Nothing can change what I have already ordained for you and your life, says the Lord. For nothing has been hid from My eyes as I prepare every place for you that you will step into. Nothing can change My plans and purposes that I knew about and prepared, and nothing can cause them happen beforehand. Trust that everything is being done according to My original plan, and I change not. Be at peace with the process and your progress, for although you may not notice, you are moving, growing, changing, and developing as I have desired. Trust that you are in My hands, you are in My care, you are in My constant thoughts, and you will not miss what I have for you, says the Lord.
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