Let My Voice In You Resound

Lift up your voice like a trumpet, and boldly proclaim My Great Name, says the Lord. Let My Word, that is a fire, erupt from your mouth. Speak, so that you can be heard. Let My voice in you resound, even as the voice of many waters, so that many will hear. Do not hide in the corner, but be a vital witness of My might and power. Let the sword of My Spirit proceed out of your mouth, as you speak My Word, says the Lord.

My light is in you, says the Lord. Let My light in you be seen, as you invade the darkness that is around you with the light of My glory. I do not want you hidden and obscure. I have armed you with My light, and you will be bright. Others will be drawn to the light that is upon you and in you, and I will be glorified, says the Lord.

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