I Am the Sovereign - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Am the Sovereign

The majority does NOT rule, says the LORD. I do. I Am the Commander-in-Chief, and the Sovereign. I Am not taking a vote and it is not a popularity contest that I Am in. There is no competition, for there is no other power that can match Mine. There is no other voice that can counsel Me and none that is stronger than Mine. There is no other will that can usurp authority over Mine. I Am in control, have been, and always will be. I Am the supreme ruler, and there is no other GOD beside Me, says the LORD.

Trust in My will, and believe that I will perform it, says the LORD. I cannot be manipulated or deceived. Not only Am I aware of the truth, I AM THE TRUTH. I do not need to be aware of the Way, when I AM THE WAY. No one can question My authority, and no one can predict the future. I ordain every time and season, and nothing is off balance, outside the scope of My infinite wisdom and knowledge and understanding and power, and I will fulfill every purpose that I have prescribed for your life without disruption, delay, denial or setbacks, because I Am your God, and I do all things well, says the LORD.

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