I will direct your path and order every step that you take, says the Lord. You didn’t think that I would let you just wander around hopelessly, did you? I have a plan and a purpose for your life and I will fully train you for it. The testing of your faith only makes you stronger, not weaker. You have been stretched and stressed in the process but it has only enlarged you and helped you to grow. Your faith that has been used has strong muscles now. It has brought about much good, says the Lord.
I have need of you in My kingdom and Am empowering you for such a time as this, says the LORD. Your worth is in Me and I have made you a mighty conqueror and overcomer in Me. As you submit yourself to Me and resist the dark one, he will run in terror from you. You will subdue the enemy and release those he has held in captivity and claim new territory for My kingdom, says the Lord.