Forgive and Forget - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Forgive yourself as I have forgiven you, and forget those things that are behind you, says the LORD. You do not need to continually dwell on those things that are already removed from you as far as the East is from the west. Why should you waste your time on things that you cannot change or understand? I have given you the light of a new day, and you are clean through My Word and My blood that has cleansed you from all unrighteousness as You have believed in My finished work on the cross for you, says the LORD.

Live this day and look ahead to the things that are set before you, says the LORD. Dream again, and plan again and trust again! For you have lost your trust of yourself as well as that of others, but look! I Am trustworthy, and I have faith in My ability to complete you, perfect you and beautify you with My holiness. I have planted you into My kingdom that is without end as a tree of righteousness. Rejoice that you are forever changed, forever forgiven, forever cleansed by My blood that was shed for you, and I have set you on a bright path that leads to fulfillment and fullness of joy in Me, says the LORD.

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