You Will Overcome - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Do not allow the trials of this life cause you to lose your faith and trust in Me, says the Lord. You will overcome all that you have suffered by the word of your own testimony, and My blood that was shed for you. Do not lose your testimony. As you look at the things that you lost, but rejoice even in the spoiling of your goods. Count all those things as dung under your feet. For they are only fleeting and temporal and earthly things that will dissolve with the entire earth, says the LORD.

Your treasure is in heaven, secure and waiting for you, says the LORD. You will rejoice in time! You will not even look back. For what you have suffered will be light affliction compared to the glory to come that will be revealed in time and forevermore. GREAT is your reward for your faithfulness, and You will declare, “Great is My God,” Who has done all things well,” says the LORD.

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