Blessings Upon Blessings - Prophetic Light News

Blessings Upon Blessings

It is hard to believe that the year is nearly over. It has been year of growth, transition, alignment, shifting and Change. It has been a year of revival and GOD in our midst: a year of signs, wonders, healings, miracles and Holy Ghost power and presence.

As I reflect the bumps in the road, the shifts without clutch, the failures and the victories, the disappointments and the sudden, unexpected blessings, I can be thankful for EMMANUEL, God being with Me, with us. I can rejoice as the prophet Elisha of old, that when the enemy surrounds, my eyes have seen that there are more for me than against me. Ministering angels with flaming swords surround Me; the wall of fire surrounded me and the glory of GOD is in the midst of me. I am thankful for El Shaddai, the GOD that is more than enough.

Despite the sudden, unexpected storms in life, Jehovah Shalom was on scene to be my abiding PEACE. He supplied every need. He answered prayers; He revived. He showed up and abides. He poured in the oil and the wine into the wounds and He was and is Jehovah Rapha, the GOD that heals, repairs, revives, restores and renews. He is our Righteousness despite those spirits of condemnation. His blood has never lost its power in My life. He cleanses, purges, purifies, sanctifies, consecrates transforms lives with HIS BLOOD and finished work on the cross. I am indebted to HIM and give Him all the glory! He is Jehovah Shammah, the ever present ONE in HIs power, and might.

He has proved Himself to be My light and salvation in the midst of darkness that could be felt. He is Jehovah Nissi, My banner, the one Who cannot be defeated, the One who fights for ME. HE is MY faith, and faithful always. He has proved Himself to be My source and supply, My shield and exceeding, great reward. He supplied all My need as Jehovah Jira, and His unconditional and unimpeachable love has been ever-present. He has not failed.

I humbly submit this year onto Him who keeps all the records and thank the Father for every unspeakable gift that He has given to Me in the person of Jesus, and the Holy Spirit of GOD. It has been a year of GRACE that is sufficient….yes abundant. I thank Him for the Joy of the LORD, and that He is the strength of My heart and life. I praise Him.

I thank you for your faithful support for the ministries of Prophetic Light, for first of all it is all about HIM. Secondly, it is about you. For as I reach My hand into the heavens to embrace the hand of GOD as He holds onto Mine, I am extending My hand to reach whosoever will. May I be a gap stander, and make up the hedge for the many who are wanting to hear from GOD, desperate for His answers, searching to find their way…. May I be that hand, that voice, that heart, that servant, as I humbly submit myself to be… yours truly, in the Master’s service.

May His blessings be upon you and your households as you too reflect this year’s blessings and move forward into toward the promise of a new day, a new year, with new hope in HIM who has you and will order your steps as you cross this new threshold into the New. DO not waste time lamenting about your disappointments and what you deem as failures. Look at His faithfulness. YOU MADE IT! YOU ARE MAKING IT! BLESS THE LORD oh, my soul, and all that is within Me bless His Holy Name. Bless Him. Praise Hm. Thank Him. You are alive. You made it through the storms and you made it through the trials and tests. You were not alone, and He kept you as your GOOD SHEPHERD!

I must add a note that want to thank the intercessors, the prayer partners, the supporters and all who contributed to this ministry of Prophetic LIGHT. Thank you for your financial gifts to help our ministry. No gift is unnoticed and everyone received with thanksgiving. Thank you for encouragement and faithfulness to this ministry and to Myself. Again, I give the LORD all the glory, for His is the Kingdom, the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

….. as we chose this chapter soon, new pages are going to be written, with new and unexpected blessings. I look forward to the ONE Who makes all things NEW, and to His Word, and Will and Work that will unfold continually in this ministry, in myself and each of you. PRESS FORWARD and LOOK FORWARD to the new, and let your HOPE in Him be renewed daily as you commit the old to Him and joyfully embrace the new!

Prophet June,


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