Activate your faith, says the LORD. It is a living faith, and you are to live in the faith that I have given you. You are not a part of the company that is the fearful and the unbelieving that I will cast out of My kingdom, but you are a child of faith. USE the measure of faith that I have given you. USE the gift of faith. Let it be stirred in you and spill over into every area and aspect of your life. For you are alive and as you walk by faith and not by sight, as you walk by faith and not what you hear, as You walk by faith in My infallible  WORD, you will see the powerful results in your life and the lives of others, says the LORD.

For what you believe Me for, is what you will receive, says the LORD.  Let your faith be pure, for the seed of faith that I have given you is pure. Let your heart be fill of faith and good works for this is what I have given you, and you will have limitless results as you use what you have and become what you are created to be, a child of light, a child of faith, and a child of My kingdom that is without end, that will walk in My Word of faith and not be shaken by the things around you that could generate fear and doubt. Your strong faith will cause you to overcome every time and you will have the victory that overcomes the world, even your faith, says the LORD.

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