Be as I Am, Faithful and True - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Be as I Am, Faithful and True

“The Lord says, Be as I Am, Faithful and True. For as I Am in Heaven, so I want you to be so on earth. I am always faithful. Be faithful in all you are, in all you do, in all you commit to, for this is WHO I Am, and this is what I AM in you. I Am the Way, the TRUTH and the Life. My Word is truth. My Word is infallible. Even as you are true, My Word and Work will become a tangible reality in your life. Be true to your word and be true to Mine that I have given you, and you will see the power of My Word working in you and through you and around you. Be as stable and changeless as I Am and you will then be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in My Work, says the LORD.

Even now, the winds of adversity are blowing, and I will use them to blow away the chaff, and I will thoroughly purge My floor, says the LORD. The winds of My Spirit are blowing, and I will breathe life into you and as you are My servant-child, and you will live. You will thrive, You will survive and remain. You will still be standing when others fall, for you are rooted and grounded in Me and My infallible WORD. You will not be shaken or moved, but steady on your feet, strong, enduring and fixed in Me, says the Lord.

Just as I put a distinction between My People of Israel and the Egyptians who were their oppressors, can’t I do that now? Will I forsake My own? Will I allow the righteous to be destroyed with the unrighteous? Have I not already drawn the plummet line? Have I not already marked the righteous? Do not be dismayed over the death of the wicked. For I will separate the wheat from the chaff. I have sealed My righteous ones with My Own name. They are Mine. They shall not be moved. They will not be touched. My Own blood covers them and they will not die, but live and declare My Name and My works in the midst of a perverse generation in the land of the living, and their light will shine forth in the midst of darkness in the land of the living.  I have set My love on You, set you aside for My purposes that will unfold, and I will use you for My glory, says the LORD. “

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