Be Strong in the LORD - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Don’t view yourself as weak, but see yourself as strong in Me, says the LORD. I Am not weak, and your life is embedded in Me! Don’t entertain the thoughts of giving up and compromising with the enemy, for there is no middle ground or position of agreement. Light cannot align with darkness, and victory cannot have a thread of defeat in it. Walk in the light of MY glory and expect the outcome that is only good, for that is what I will grant, if you will not cower and act on feelings of fear and doubt and unbelief, says the LORD.

The enemy is a liar, a thief and a flatterer, says the LORD. He is NEVER on your side, and will never keep his word that only feigns caring about you. Stand against the enemy, and do not allow him to ever intimidate you. For how can you lose, when I have given you everything that you need to triumph over him? You must believe that I Am with you and in you, and surround you and empower you, and trust that you will be as I Am! I never lose, and always win, and that is how I want you to see yourself in every battle that you face, because I promised good success to all who will simply take Me at My Word, and contend for righteousness, as they will expand my kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, and push the enemy back, so that NEW LIGHT and LIFE will be in the new territory that is owned and occupied by you. That will bring Me honor and glory that is due My name, says the LORD.

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