Come Away From the Stress into My Secret Place - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Come Away From the Stress into My Secret Place

Come away from all the stress and enter into the secret place and have sweet communion with Me, says the LORD. I Am always waiting to hear the sound of your footsteps as you enter. I love to hear the sound of your voice. I want intimacy with you, and I want to hold you close to Me, and whisper into your ears that, “All is well!” Come! You have been encumbered with many cares. Now hurl them onto Me and let Me carry you and all that has burdened you, says the LORD.

You need not be weary, says the LORD. I want you to just come onto Me and be refreshed, unburdened, and FRESH AND NEW! I have everything that you need, and My watchful eye is upon you, so that you can be assured of your safety and well-being. I want you to enter into MY REST and receive the comfort of My love, and feel My breath upon you, hear My heartbeat, and receive the peace that comes only from Me, knowing that I have everything covered, you are covered, and you are safe and secure in Me, says the LORD.

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