I did not make you a pushover, says the LORD. You do not have to lie down and allow the enemy to walk all over you. You do not have to surrender to his plots and plans and attacks. Lay down that white flag, and don’t even consider a truce with the enemy, who will never tell the truth. Even as I cannot change, the evil one will never, either. Manipulation and control of you is not of Me. I have given you authority to tread upon the enemy and boldly confront him. You are not a coward, for I have made you a mighty conqueror in Me, says the LORD.

You are not a loser, says the LORD. I have given you My Spirit that makes you courageous and bold and strong! The enemy is NO match for Me, and cannot be any for you, either. You will not barely survive or make it through the attack of the enemy, but you will be the victor as you overcome through your faith and trust in Me. Use My sword. Arm yourself with all My armor. Push the enemy back as you possess new territories, and raise MY BANNER High, to expand My Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven, says the LORD.

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