Don’t panic, says the Lord. I Am not oblivious of your situations and I know what you have need of. Be still and Know that I Am GOD in the midst of you, and I Am never without resources. I Am with you all the time. I Am aware of every person, place and thing, as I Am ever present, everywhere, and nothing gets past My attention. Just be quiet and dismiss the tormenting fears that are NOT your portion from ME. Receive the peace that I give you, even in the middle of your mess, for I can and will make a way of escape for you so that you will realize that I have no limitations and nothing is too hard for Me, says the LORD.

I will quiet your fears, still your storm and bring you into a great calm as you calm down NOW and relax in ME. Why do you want to wring your hands when that accomplishes nothing at all? Do not frustrate yourself with those things that are too hard for you. They are NOT bigger than ME, beyond My ability and too costly for Me. I have everything in control, and nothing is outside My authority. Be confident that I will bring you out of trouble, fix that which seems impossible for you, and I will do it easily. I AM your source, your shield, your provider, your helper and your strength. I WILL strengthen and help you, uphold you, and protect you, heal you, deliver you, provision you as I Am your GOD. Just trust ME and watch Me work marvelously in your behalf, and you will know that I Am indeed your Savior and LORD.

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Prophet June Reinke
Prophetic Light International
40403 Sunburst Drive
Dade City, Florida 33525

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