Don't Worry - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Don’t worry about anything, says the LORD. That will not resolve anything, but I can, and I will as you relinquish the controls of your life to Me and trust Me to give you the solutions and wisdom that you need every time. It may be too hard for you, but not or Me. I Am not too busy to hear you and attend onto all your needs, whether large or small. Let Me take care of you and all your loved ones. I can, and I will as you entrust all to Me.

As you practice giving your concerns to Me, regardless of the scope of them, you will live in My abiding peace. For you will realize that I will handle every care, and the solutions that I give you will always be perfect and on time. You will not need to wring your hands, pace the floor or spend  restless, sleepless nights as you trust Me all the time, and remain confident in My care for you, says the LORD.

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