Don't Worry or Fret About Anything Known or Unknown - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Don’t Worry or Fret About Anything Known or Unknown

There are some things that you do not need to know, says the LORD. Trust that My knowledge and understanding are infinite, and I have everything that concerns you in My hands and care at all times. You need not worry or fret about the known and the unknown. Trust is trust, and you can depend upon ME. I know the future. I Am your rear guard, so the enemy cannot throw your past into your face. I will block His secret plans and foil every evil assignment that he desires to implement in your life. I KNOW. I SEE, I Am for you and not against you, and you do not need to see everything and know everything and understand everything as you entrust your forever, total care to ME, says the LORD.

The enemy cannot steal, kill and destroy you, for you are safe in the shelter of My arms at all times, says the LORD. I have rebuked the destroyer for your sake, or you are MY beloved child. I will take care of you, so do not concern yourself with the details. I have it. I have YOU! I AM with you always, and you need NOT fear anything. I AM in control and NOTHING takes ME by surprise. I have the answer before you know the problem, and I AM prepared! JUST let your heart be untroubled and fearless, for it is your faith that pleases Me, and I cannot and will not fail you, ever, says the LORD.

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