Embrace My exceeding, great and precious promises that are not just for someone, or anyone, but take them personally for YOU, says the LORD. Grab a hold of them by faith and trust in Me and My infallible WORD. Cling to ME and My Word and never let them GO, for when you do, you will see everyone of them fulfilled in your life, says the Lord.

Nothing can stop Me from honoring those who honor Me and My Word, says the LORD. When you believe, you WILL receive. Do not ever give up or give into your circumstances that are screaming just the opposite of what I AM speaking to you in My still, small voice. Remember that I do not have to roar and shout like the evil one, but even My thoughts will be performed. My Words are SPIRIT and LIFE in you and will come alive for you in the land of the living as you grasp hold of them, refuse to doubt and only receive what I have already promised you, that will be performed for you, says the Lord.

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