My still, small voice on the inside of you will always direct you, as I whisper, “This is the way. Walk in it.” Learn to trust in My voice that prompts you. Trust that I Am speaking, and you will never be led in the wrong way. I will never take you down a dead-end path, or have you walk through a maze that will confuse you and frustrate you. It is not a guessing game, but a well-lit path, where you will see the steps ahead of you and never fall, says the LORD.

No path that I prescribe for your life is filled with sorrow and woe, says the LORD. It is the path of LIFE and light, not darkness and dreariness and defeat. My path of righteousness simply means the right way, where you will not get lost, you will not be confused, and you will have My leadership. JUST FOLLOW. I Am speaking, counseling, instructing, leading, guiding and brightening the path before you, and I will give you clarity of purpose as you follow Me an My voice, says the LORD.

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