I Am Worthy of Your Praise and Trust for I AM Unfailing - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Am worthy of Your praise, says the Lord. I Am worthy of your trust, for I cannot fail you. There is nothing amiss in Me, and you can depend upon Me. I have poured out My blessings upon blessings upon you, and you will be blessed. I have taken you from the bottom, buried under many burdens and cares, and brought you out of such. I have given you light and life that is eternal, I have and poured out My Spirit into you. You are given promises that will be fulfilled as you trust in ME and My infallible Word and Work in your life at all times, says the LORD.

Don’t forget Me when you are enjoying the benefits that I daily load you with, for I Am the source of all good things, says the LORD. There is nothing that you have that is good that you can credit anyone or anything with other than ME. For I have not only blessed you, but I am the source of all blessings and benefits! My hands created you as well as all things. My breath of life is in you. My Spirit lives in you, and you are saved to serve Me. Keep looking unto Me, the author and finisher of your faith, and know that you will be blessed. Keep thanking Me and praising Me and worshiping Me, for My goodness and mercy that endures forever has been given freely to you just because I love you and you have trusted in Me to be your Savior and LORD, says the LORD.

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Prophetic Light International
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Dade City, Florida 33525

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