I will Honor Every Prayer, Petition and Desire of Your Heart - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I will Honor Every Prayer, Petition and Desire of Your Heart

I will honor every prayer, every petition, every desire of your heart, as you call upon Me, says the LORD. I will answer you. I will never turn you away or plug My ears to you. I will never turn My back on you, and I will never leave you. You are always beloved of Me, and I Am always aware of you and your need. I will never withhold anything good from you. No, not ever, says the LORD.

I will give you the increase, not the decrease, says the LORD. I will honor you, not dishonor you, as you honor Me and My Word. I will link your name with My name, and you will be in the palm of My hands: protected, sheltered, provisioned, secure and safe at all times. No one can remove you from My presence or pluck you out of My holy hands that formed you for purpose and gave you My great salvation, because you have trusted in Me, says the LORD.

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