I Will Pour Out My Grace and Favor Upon You - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Will Pour Out My Grace and Favor Upon You

I will pour out My favor and grace upon you and you will walk in the light of My glory, says the LORD. I have created you to have fellowship with Me, and I have given you My mercy that endures forever. I Am full of compassion and gracious and kind. You do not have to beg Me to love you and remember you and to take care of you, for that is what I have done, Am doing, and will always do for you, because you are greatly loved by ME, says the LORD.

I Am your friend in need and your friend indeed, says the LORD. You will not ever have to worry about losing Me, for I AM faithful and true. Though others have left you, even suddenly and without explanation, and you have reeled by their abandonment, I will never do that to you. I won’t forget your birthday, because I have created you and given you life. I will not forget the work of MY hands, and you have been created to be unique and special. I love you always, and you became part of ME when you entrusted Me with your life and received Me as your Savior and LORD. Your faith in Me and My finished work on the cross for you has given you favor and grace from Me that is unimpeachable, unrelenting and forever My unspeakable gift to you, says the LORD.

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