Just Wait and SEE What I Am Going to DO! - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Just Wait and SEE What I Am Going to DO!

Forget about the things that happened in the past that hurt you, says the LORD. They did not destroy you, and will not, if you will believe Me when I tell you that everything will work together for GOOD, to fulfill My purpose and plan in your life. The enemy came to steal, kill and destroy YOU, but he could not accomplish anything. I will take the bad and turn it around for good. I will take the ugly and make something beautiful out of it. I will take the ash heap of your life and the burning embers of destruction and remove them, and build something BETTER for you, says the LORD.

Just wait and see! Things will change for the good as I turn things around for you, says the Lord. The completely opposite of what the enemy devised and endeavored to carry out will happen. His evil plans against you will never come to fruition. You will see! I will reverse the reversals. I will destroy the destroyer that I REBUKE for you. I will heal you, revive you, restore you and give you NEW things that are BETTER if you will just trust in Me and My Word and GOOD plans and thoughts and Work in your life. It is not over, and NOT OVER FOR YOU, for the good things I have decreed will COME TO PASS, and the bad things the enemy decreed will NEVER happen, says the LORD.

Believe for the good outcome, and trust that I do ALL THINGS WELL for you, says the LORD. You will not regret having trust NOW when you cannot see My full plan and purpose, for when you do completely trust Me, you will also have complete peace, and you will rest in your faith and trust in Me, until My full plan and purpose is revealed and executed, and you say, “WOW,” says the LORD.

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