Listen to My Voice - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Silence the external voices that are vying for your attention and listen to My voice on the inside of you, says the LORD. I AM not screaming. My voice is calm and quiet. HEAR ME NOW! For as you become still in My presence, you will hear My voice. You will sense My presence. The evil one roars at you, but I never shout. I will give you direction and guide you continually as you hear My voice and obey, says the LORD.

You will have sustainable peace as you enter into My presence and hear My gentle command, says the LORD. Your restlessness will cease as you entrust your entire life to Me. Nothing will shake you; nothing will remove you, and nothing will harm you as you entrust your care to Me and know that I will give you the answers you are longing for. I will still the sudden, unexpected storms and give you tranquility, as you face turbulent times, knowing that I Am with you to direct you, counsel you, lead you and give you the knowledge that you need. As you ask, and I will give you the wisdom  and new strategies, and an answer of peace, says the LORD.

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