Do not look at yourself or others, but look steadfastly on ME, says the LORD. You will always come up short, but will I? Can I fall short of your need? Can I run out of energy? Can I be depleted? Will My strength ever fail? Can My resources be exhausted? Will I become empty of ideas? NEVER, says the LORD. I Am always creating and making new things, and I do not need that which already exists to speak new things into existence. I do not need any methods, forms or formulas to accomplish what I desire to do. My power is inexhaustible, and My power is never ending, says the LORD.

Because I Am your ALL IN ALL, you can trust that I will never fail you, says the LORD. Since I cannot fail, how can you fail when you are entrusting your life to ME? You cannot. For what I have is unfailing love, unfailing grace, unfailing power, unfailing presence, and unfailing mercy for you, if you will just receive it. For as you shift your care onto ME, you will have all the help that you need by My endless supply, and I will always be found faithful and true to you, and as My strength for you is made perfect and complete in your weakness and My grace is sufficient for you, now and always, says the LORD.

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