Perfect Harmony, Order, Timing, Purpose - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Don’t frustrate yourself with endless thoughts and questions about: who? What? When? Where? How? says the Lord. You will only think and speak yourself into depression. I know the answers, and I know you. My understanding is infinite, and I will lead and guide you, one step at a time. You will see on spot provision, surprising connections, and unexpected open doors. I have perfect timing for everything, and as you place your trust in Me, you will not be spending endless time fretting about the unknown future, says the LORD.

You only see in part, says the LORD. I see everything from your past, in your present, future and eternity. My purposes will unfold, and you will see the whole picture of those things that have boggled your mind, in time. Things will come together in perfect harmony, perfect order, perfect timing, for the perfect purpose that I have ordained for your life. As you shift your cares onto Me and rest in My love and presence, you will no longer fear the things you hear others speaking, or the news that comes from near or far, or the difficulties you are facing. You will have confidence that I, who have formed you for a purpose. I have placed you in this time span that I have ordained for you, and situated you where you are. I will move you when and where I want you to be, and I will perfect you and all that pertains to your life, for My ultimate purpose, Kingdom and glory.

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