Use the Keys to My Kingdom - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Use the Keys to My Kingdom

I have already given you the keys to My kingdom, says the LORD. They will unlock the doors to My hidden treasures that await you. You do not have to beg. You are a child of MY KINGDOM. I have given you access, and you can use the keys that are given to you so that you are fully provisioned, helped and enhanced to do everything that I have called you to do, says the LORD.

The keys will unlock the doors that will be opened to you for your destiny purposes to be fulfilled, says the LORD. They are before you. Did I tell you to knock on these doors or to use the keys? The kingdoms of the earth are SUBJECT to My kingdom and under My authority. Have not I given you the power to expand MY KINGDOM on earth as it is in heaven? Says the LORD.

My kingdom is righteousness, peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost, says the LORD. My kingdom is POWERFUL and eternal. You have in your possession the key that will unlock the door of My righteousness! I AM the GOD of righteousness. I Am the GOD of justice and judgment. There is nothing unrighteous about Me and I have imputed MY righteousness into you as you have entrusted Me as your Savior an Lord and My finished Work on the cross for you, says the LORD.

The keys will unlock justice and judgment that I have appropriated for YOU, says the LORD. I AM the JUST ONE who justifies YOU! Do not allow the dark one to confuse you and condemn you and tell you that you are not worthy, for I have paid the price for your redemption, salvation, sanctification and holiness. I HAVE MADE YOU WORTHY by My substitutional death on the cross. I have given you the keys that will bring forth MY vindication for you, Who has already decreed it, says the LORD.

I gave you the KEY that will unlock the door of My peace that is everlasting, unchanging, unrelenting. You have access to the peace that passes understanding, peace like a river, abiding peace that will still every storm in your life, says the LORD. JUST USE the key, and unlock the peace that I freely give to you, says the LORD.

You have been given many gifts to use that will furnish you, complete you and fill you, says the LORD.  For your joy will be full, your power will be more than enough, for the keys are in your possession to prove that you are not a thief or robber, but a rightful owner of all that I have prepared for you in My kingdom that is without end. USE THEM and receive what awaits you, for all that I have has been given to you, and you will have the fullness of My grace and glory, as you possess the exceeding, great and precious promises that you have access to, says the LORD.

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