I Am Not Finished With You Yet - Prophetic Light Prophecies

nishedI Am not finished with you yet, says the LORD. Your Full purpose lies ahead. I have GOOD thoughts and plans for your life, and the negative opinions of others do not influence Me. Do not allow them to influence and discourage you. I Am in control of your destiny that I have ordained for you, and nothing can alter it or foil My plans or delay them. You will be used for My glory as you continue to walk, hand in hand with Me. For I cannot fail you, and you will never have to worry about your next steps, says the LORD.

I will enlighten the path for you so that you will have clarity in every step of the way, says the LORD. You need not look far ahead, but take the well lit steps in front of you. I will guide you continually, and you will fulfill your destiny purpose as I equip you, enable you, empower you, and walk with you continually, says the LORD.

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