I Have given you a reason for living, says the LORD. My Spirit is in you. Your life is hidden in Me. I have meticulously formed you for My purposes and My glory. Your life has significance and permanency in ME. You are not going to be overlooked or discarded. I will not banish you from My kingdom or abort My plans for your life. They will unfold, and the seasons will change, says the LORD.

You will not be in a holding position forever, for I Am preparing you, provisioning you, and preparing places for you, says the LORD. I have need of you, and you will not be wasted. You will see how things come together in perfect union with My assigned plans, and there will be no guess work involved. I will enlighten the way for you, open the doors for you, and I will faithfully be at your side to guide you every step of the way. For your WORK is MY WORK, and your success is also Mine. It will happen, precisely and perfectly, and all the preparations will produce the perfect results that I ordained, and you will be fully satisfied and fulfilled, says the Lord.

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