God's Voice - Prophetic Light

God’s Voice

Follow the dictates of your heart, says the LORD.  For I Am the still small voice on the inside of you, and I Am speaking. I AM leading you. I Am guiding you continually. I Am for you and not against you. I Am with you always.  There is no time that I will NOT speak directly to you.  Just ask ME and I will confirm MY Word.  You will KNOW that it is MY voice as I give you clarity.  I will never lead you astray or into a trap, but will order every step of the way and provision you continually.  I will cause My voice to be fine-tuned in you so that you readily Know that it is Me that is speaking to you.  Come quietly before Me and silence your own thoughts and the external racket around you.  DO not heed the voices of others, but squelch them out so that you can hear Mine, says the LORD.

As you hear My voice and follow Me, you will have great peace, says the LORD.  Do not follow any directions that do not lead you into peace and tranquility, for that will never come from Me. Even when the pathway is difficult and the directive that I give you takes you way out of your comfort zone, you will have abiding peace, for you will have the assurance that I Am with you, helping and strengthening you at all times.  You will Know that every step that I order is My will concerning you.  It is in these times that your faith will increase as you follow My lead and experience My continual provision along the way.  I will always be with you to bring you to your desired end as you entrust Me with your life and obey My voice within that is always leading you, says the LORD.

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