Your Promised Land

I Am bringing you into a delightful land filled with blessings, says the Lord. Yes, your promised land that you will fully possess is just ahead.  My unimpeachable glory awaits.  Step up out of the dry-bed of the Jordon and onto the holy ground.  It is holiness unto Me, for I have reserved it, I have preserved it, I have blessed it, I have sanctified it, I have hallowed it and set it aside for My glory as I have also done with you.  Yes, you will be holiness unto Me.  The former things will have passed away, and look, I make all things new for you.  I will cause you to walk on high places with Me, and the enemy will not touch you.  I have shielded you with My Own Self, sealed you by My Own Spirit and Marked you as My Own. I have created you for My pleasure, and you will be a delight to Me.  I will unveil the treasures of My kingdom unto you; the hidden treasures of My kingdom await you.  I have laid up much for you to enjoy.  It will not be delayed or denied and the enemy will not extract My good gifts from you.  He will not be able to remove you out of My hands.  I will uphold you and keep you from falling, and you will embrace every promise and receive joy in exchange for your sorrow, and you will not be disappointed.  Just ahead awaits unspeakable joy for you, says the Lord.

Look ahead, says the Lord. The sorrow will soon be only a memory.  The pain will no longer pierce your soul.  I will heal every wound, bring every comfort, and meet every need.  Your portion in Me is a good portion. For as you have entrusted your life to Me, as you have abandoned your own plans for Mine, as you have forsaken your own purposes and received Mine, you will not be disappointed. For what you have envisioned is far short of what I have prepared for you. Your eyes have not yet seen, your ears have yet heard, and you could not even pray or think or speak or imagine what I have prepared for you.  It is far above, for I Am far above, and I Am bringing you out of your bondage, through the wilderness, and into the promised land.  Trust in Me, for this is really good.  It is where I Am leading you, and I say to you, come out, come forth, and come into the fullness and receive of the good of the Land that exceeds your highest heart’s desire, for it is just ahead, says the Lord.

This is Prophet June Sheltrown, Prophetic Light International. Please send your donations to 40403 Sunburst Drive, Dade City, Florida
33525, or use the donation button on our website, For International donations through paypal, select “Goods and Services”. Thank you, and God bless you.

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