You do not have to understand My higher ways and thoughts and plans for your life in order to trust in Me at all times, says the Lord. For though your vision may be clouded and foggy, Mine is not. Nothing alters Me, and I never have to send you on a detour. For I know the end from the beginning, and I know the way that you take. You need not focus on My strategies, nor concern yourself with the plots of the enemy. As I said for you not to take any thought for tomorrow, and the evil that it may bring, let that mind be in you. Live this day, and walk in faith and trust in Me. As you do so, you will not be frustrated, says the Lord.

Your unknown future is known by Me, says the Lord. I will go before you, and prepare the way, one step at a time. Every step I order has value. None are useless and unproductive. Just take the steps that are before you. They are there. I Am not a God of delay, denial, or distractions. I have a clear purpose for you, and the steps that are before you will be bright. You do not have to understand the next steps, but focus on the one before you, and trust Me for the next! This will bring you peace in this walk with Me, and you will not fret, or be depressed or discomforted, as you place your hand in My nail-scarred hand, and follow My lead, says the Lord.

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