I Will Calm the Storms - Prophetic Light

I Will Calm the Storms

You can be sure that I Am with you always to give you good success, says the Lord. I will bring you through the unexpected storms, and give you peace even when nothing around you is peaceful. Sudden storms that you will face do not take Me by surprise. I will calm them and quiet your fears, for everything is in My complete control, and you are in My unfailing care. Trust that I will help you, always. I Am your friend that sticks with you when no one else will, says the Lord.

I will comfort you when you have no other comforter, says the Lord. You can lean on Me when there is no one to lean on, and you can depend upon My goodness and mercy for you that is inexhaustible. You can rely upon My attentiveness to you. For when others roll their eyes and are not listening to you, I will. I Do. I have, and you can know that I am trustworthy, attentive, and with you always, to lead and guide you with My counsel that will always work for your good, says the Lord.

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