Peace in the Storm - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Peace in the Storm

Frustration and distraction is the work of the enemy, says the Lord.  Turn away from the plots of his that play with your mind and try to steal your joy.  For I always give you unspeakable joy in My presence. The journey does not have to be too hard for you. It can be joyful and uplifting.  You need to focus on Me, rather than what the enemy is saying, as he is always vying for your attention.  Shun the negative thoughts, and cast aside all fear and doubt and unbelief.  You need not let him bring confusion and cause you to think about endless questions, says the Lord.

I will give you peace even in the storms of life, says the Lord.  They will not last, but you will endure.  You will stand, straight and tall, not ever bent over by the adversary.  He is not your god, and he is not your owner.  I Am.  You belong to Me, and I will keep you safe, shield you, under gird you, cover you with My own holy hand, and protect you from trouble that is on every side. I will give you an answer of peace, and you will know that you are governed by Me, provisioned, and I Am your continual, ever present help, as you entrust Me with your constant care, says the Lord.

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