I Will Still the Raging Storms Within! - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Will Still the Raging Storms Within!

I will still the storms that are raging within you, and give you My peace, says the Lord.  For I will calm your fears and refresh you as you turn your attention toward Me.  For troubling thoughts that plague your mind and cause you to fret are not your portion from Me.  My kingdom is within you, and it brings peace and joy to you.  Do not dread the future, for just as I have kept you in the past, and Am taking care of you now, I will continue to secure you and provide for you, says the Lord.

The evil reports that the naysayers are spreading are bad news that did not come from Me, says the Lord. For the fearful and unbelieving ones are not hearing My voice and are not trusting in Me or My infallible Word.  I desire My children to be at rest as they remain confident in My love and care for them.  Be quiet, and listen to My still, small voice within.  For I have not changed, and it is My good pleasure to give you everything that you need, and bring you into your personal promised land of your inheritance, where you will eat the good of the land and enjoy the benefits of My good gifts that I embellish you with, says the Lord.

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